Supreme Court-Certified Mediator
Mediation can be an effective method of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) that allows disputed parties to achieve results without the time, cost and stress involved with traditional litigation. In addition to the cooperation of the parties involved with the dispute, the services of a skilled, qualified neutral mediator are essential to a successful mediation.
At Shams Law Firm, P.A., Sid Shams provides mediation services for disputing parties in Orlando, Winter Park, Maitland and the surrounding areas. In addition to our mediation experience, our firm brings years of combined litigation experience to our cases. This trial experience gives us unique insight into the procedures and likely outcomes of most disputes in court, which helps us provide much-needed perspective and keep appropriate expectations in mediation sessions we facilitate. We use our experience and knowledge to help disputing parties work together to achieve win-win scenarios.
Attorney Sidney Shams is a Supreme Court-certified mediator with experience providing neutral mediation services for all types of disputes handled in circuit court, including:
- Contract disputes
- Business disputes
- Owners association disputes
- Probate and trust disputes
- Real estate disputes
When you come to us to discuss the mediation process, we will take the time to explain how it works and to assess whether your case is well-suited for mediation. Much of our mediation work comes to us from other lawyers, who understand the benefits to their clients from choosing mediation over litigation.
Pre-Suit Mediation Requirement
In Florida disputes involving homeowners, condominium owners and their associations, the parties involved may find that they have been demanded to attend pre-lawsuit mediation. Sid Shams serves as a mediator for these types of pre-lawsuit disputes and works diligently to have the parties resolve their dispute prior to costly litigation.
At Shams Law Firm, P.A., we have a wealth of experience and knowledge of real estate law, and we have facilitated numerous mediations for this type of dispute. We can help you find efficient resolution.
Contact Shams Law Firm, P.A.
To schedule a mediation, call 407-278-8859 (866-825-7365 toll free) or contact us online.